our mission

Reinvent Tradition.

Denver Theatre Ensemble will reinvent tradition by creating a professional theatrical space that redefines the limits of the artistic process, reimagines classical and contemporary works through a modern lens, and represents our diverse world both on and off stage; through this work, Denver Theatre Ensemble will be a hub through which to realize our collective humanity.

Reinvent Tradition.

Storytelling is how we find one another. It is an essential ingredient to cultivating culture and connection, and it is a tradition that we partake in regularly in the hopes of learning from our histories or imagining our futures. We aim to reinvent tradition by taking inspiration from what works, and leaving behind what doesn’t. The process of theatre-making is thousands of years old, and it continues to grow and change to reflect the needs of its artists and audiences. We seek to be a catalyst in this change by honoring the traditions of theatrical storytelling whilst reinventing the methods by which we tell these stories.

The traditions of the theatre are the defining factors of the theatre’s culture. There is so much to learn from the traditions that have been passed down from past theatre-makers, and we strive to take only the traditions that empower, inspire, and nurture the artists involved. We aim to conduct our company in a way that consistently respects, uplifts, and enables artists to do what they do best: create.

Redefine the Artistic Process.

Reimagine the Work.

The stories that have stood the test of time have survived as a testament to their universality, their relatability, and their craftsmanship. But how would they be re-informed when placed in a modern lens? This is the question that we hope to explore and expand upon as we take both classic and contemporary plays, and - without undermining their creator’s intentions - reimagine them by applying modern truths. In doing so, we open up more opportunities to examine how the realities of today can symbiotically coexist with the stories of the past and present.

We appreciate and honor the tenacity, curiosity, and truth-seeking of the theatre-makers that preceded us, but we are very aware that theatre-making on a professional level has only been accessible to a select few. There are traditions in theatre that have allowed the exclusion of artists on the basis of race, ethnicity, size, sex assignment at birth, social class, able-bodiedness, and so much more. Our goal is to demolish these walls and unite artists with the opportunities, roles, and positions that have previously been denied them, and we will do so with intentionality and with respect to modern truths.

Represent our Diverse World.

We only ever truly exist in the world as our individual selves. We watch the news as ourselves, we eat meals as ourselves, we go shopping as ourselves. Every piece of information that we receive must pass through the filter of our singular understanding of it; we are constantly limited by the scope of our own individuality. That is, until we make the choice to expand our world and explore our place within it. Theatre is a divine hub for discovering the depth of one’s empathy, developing one’s innate curiosity, and realizing the humanity that we all share.

Realize Our Collective Humanity.

our vision

Art is an ancient process that flows through our consciousness. It is idea, concept, and intention. We know that the artifact, the result, the physical representation is not, in itself, the art. We know that art is the meaning –what you feel, what you think, what you perceive, and how you react is the art. And, most importantly, we know that there is no art without the artist.

Our vision centers the artist firmly in the foreground. We honor the intentions of the storytellers of the past and the present while reimagining and exploring these stories through today’s truths. We respect our traditions by acknowledging that these stories have stood the test of time because of their craftsmanship and sense of the human condition; now, they take the stage because of our vision and mission to reinvent the traditional ways that we engage with theatre.